Monday, January 20, 2014


This was a week of the most small and simple miracles.  I love being on a mission because you get to see (or perhaps you have the TIME to see) how God is in the details of our lives. 

So Paula grew up speaking Portuguese, but then lived in Spain where she spoke Catalan. She loves speaking Catalan and has been searching for books in Catalan for a long time so she can read to her kids. But she cannot find them anywhere. Now a little side story — Two months ago we were in Versailles and I saw this smaller-looking Book of Mormon on the shelf and, for a reason totally unbeknownst to me at the time, picked it up and stuck it in my bag and kept it with me ever since. This week we taught Paula about the Book of Mormon (which she was THRILLED about and had already done research and was hanging on every word) and guess which Book of Mormon I had in my bag? The Catalan one! She was THRILLED. Smile on the face, tears in her eyes. When we asked her to read a chapter she said "Well yeah I will read that, but could I read the whole thing too?" Yes Paula, yes you can. 

This week we were on the bus going to a lesson, and I was sick and not feeling so well, but we get on the bus and Paula and her kids are there, and then as we are on the bus I look out the window for a split second and see the Albanians that used to be in Blois but had to leave! We jumped off the bus and laughed and cried and hugged and took pictures together and it was her birthday. Small thing, but important thing. 

Then on Sunday we walked to church with Paula and the kids, and guess what? The teacher of the amis class speaks Portuguese. And so does is wife. And so does our ward mission leader. So they sat there chattering about in Portuguese (while I sat with Aiman coloring and eating snacks. He won't go to Primary and I secretly don't mind at all because then he gets to sit with me) and throughout the lesson they would translate what was going on. We talked about God and the preexistence and Paula was crying tears of joy and said "I believe this and I have always believed this!" It was beautiful. I love something a teacher at the MTC said: "We aren't in the business of teaching people. We are in the business of reminding them." I see it all the time. We are simply helping them remember. 

And then we ate couscous with Amina and it was a FEAST. Man, Middle Eastern food is GOOD. And she is so so sweet and she talked about God and her faith and we love her. 

So this week I just was amazed at the little things that God prepares for us. Is it the end of the world if Paula reads the Book of Mormon in Portuguese instead of Catalan? No. Is it the end of the world if we don't see the Albanians on their birthday? No. Is it the end of the world if we have our lessons in French and not Portuguese? Nope. But what is important to us is important to God. He is in the details. Because He knows us and He loves us. And to be able to recognize the little details of joy that He puts in our lives just makes life happier.
And guess what? So our District leader was joking around with us last night and was like 'They are totally going to put a second equipe in Blois etc' and we were like don't even joke about things like that and then he was RIGHT! Soeur Doyle and I are getting split up but both of us are staying and opening up a new equipe and I am going to be comps with Soeur LefrandtSo today is the last first day of a transfer on my mission. Whoa. Excited to be opening up a new equipe here in Blois. And then there were four. Lots of good things to come. And we have an FHE with the Ferreira's and Paula. 

I love you. 


Soeur Rhondeau

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