Thursday, January 10, 2013


Dear family,

Happy 2013! Soeur Pymm and I started off the year by making 13 goals and eating duck and . . . wait for it . . . FOIE GRAS. Quel surprise! My goals consist of a lot of mission-related things and how I want to grow spiritually, and also things like "learn how to drive stick shift" and "become best friends with the boulanger." We are off to a good start on both of those, I'll have you know. 2013 started off so well though, minus a small car accident (not our fault, I swear. Driving in downtown Rennes on tiny cobblestone streets is impossible). Our first day back to missionary work after a two day break was rougher than I thought it would be. It was hard to get back into the rhythm of it. We went porting that night though and as luck would have it we taught 2 LESSONS in ENGLISH! This guy answered the door and started closing it and saying, "Sorry I don't speak French" and then we said "Neither do we really! We speak English!" We then found out that he is from Mexico and is here going to business school. He invited us in to teach him and his two roommates from India were there. We taught them about God, and then asked them if they have ever wondered what life's purpose is. The Indian guy turned to us and yells "EVERY DAY EVERY WEEK!" (family, we can now add this to our "HOLY COW!" and "TEAM INDIA!" repertoire . . . ) We had the greatest lesson just talking to them about God and about finding purpose. They are all so nice, and we are going back to teach them. As we left Soeur Pymm says "Have you ever seen Big Bang Theory?" I just burst into laughter because seriously they ARE the guys from that show. After that we kncked on a door and an Asian guy answered who spoke English as well. He invited us in to teach and there were four other Chinese girls there. They had just finished business school here in Rennes aussi, and were leaving the next morning. None of them believe in God, or have ever really heard anything about religion. We taught them about God and then how to pray. They were so sweet and humble, and whenever I am in situations like that where I am teaching people the concept of God for the first time in their lives, I feel so blessed to be able to introduce Him. There is always a special feeling of sacredness in those lessons. Every Chinese person I have met here is so open and humble and kind. They are in China now, and I kept on thinking how lucky it was that we got to teach them the day before they left for China. Who knows if they will ever have the chance to hear about God again, but they know Him at least a little now. That makes me so happy.

The next night, I was having a really bummer day. Not because anything was necessarily wrong, but I was just exhausted and all of our lessons had fallen through. It was ten minutes before we had to go in and we decided to go visit a less active lady. Right before we went in I said a little prayer in my heart just asking God to help me realize my purpose and to help me feel His love. We got out of the car and rang the sonner and the lady rejects us (comme d'habitude) and I turn around to go home and on this empty street in the middle of a random neighborhood in Rennes, I hear "How's the preaching going?" from that same great Indian accent voice we had heard the night before. The two Indian guys happened to be on that street and we talked to them for a while, and I know it sounds silly, but I really felt like God answered my little prayer. To just help me feel like, even though I am in a city of thousands and thousands, He knows that I am here. He knows that all of us are here and that sometimes we need to feel like we are known to Him. 

Elizabeth is back from her Christmas in Italy (so jealous) and we taught her on Friday. Our lessons weave in and out of great spiritual discussions to hilarious commentary by her ( i.e. "Elizabeth, what do you think of when you think of obedience?" "Umm rules. And dogs, mostly.") and we just love her! She told us the happiest news too--her parents decided to let her get baptized! I nearly cried when she told us, just becuase of how much happiness I know this first step of the gospel brings. Yesterday she came to church and then we all went to a member's house to eat lunch (Oysters. A whole plate of them. And that was just the first course out of 5. FIVE. I kid you not) and it was great. I love teaching her because it feels like I am just talking about the gospel with my best friend or something. 

Then last night. Oh man, it was perhaps the loveliest night I have had so far on my mission. The Elders contacted a lady from Mongolia a long time ago, and then asked us to teach her, We have tried but she was moving and it was busy, but last night we finally went over to her house. We were welcomed by two sweet little Asian girls and went into their beautiful humble home and taught them the Plan of Salvation. Her name is Oyun, and they have been living in France for two years. I always hear people talk about how they find people who are "ready" for the gospel. I have never quite had that experince of feeling that until last night. We were planning on teaching other things, but we walked in and just started teaching something different, and I felt so helped with my words as I taught. We sat across the table from her and her little girl who was kneeling on the table, playing with the different pieces of the Plan of Salvation diagram. After we were done with the lesson, she told us how she has been looking for God, and how she went to another church and it didn't seem right. Soeur Pymm then said "So, you are searching for the truth?" Oyun then looked up and said "Nope," and then pointed to us and said "I have found it." She is the most humble and loving person. (For example she had to cancel a lesson last week because she was at the hospital translating for a family whose child is sick and they don't speak French) I can't wait to continue to teach her and introduce this beautiful plan to her. 

Naomi told me that she had a theme scripture for this year and I loved that idea. My scripture theme this year is, "See that you look to God and live." (Alma 37:47) I just find that often I get discouraged and rely on myself too much. But when I look to God I feel that capacity to keep on moving, and not only keep on moving, but to love each step. It is so simple--just look to God and live. 

Today Soeur Pymm and I are getting haircuts and going shopping with our Christmas money and going to the Paperie to buy dream journals. We have decided to start writing down our dreams because they have been SO hilarious and bizarre lately. Last night dream included eating lunch on the sidewalk with mom and dad in Maurepas (sketchy neighborhood in Rennes) and then running to the Metro to get mom and dad out of danger and then joining all the gangsters in a Step Up like dance on the metro. Yeah I know. And too weird to not be recorded when I need a laugh on a rainy day. 

I love you and miss you, as always. 



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