Wednesday, October 10, 2012

road tripping.

Salut ma famille,
Hello! I hope you are all doing well. I have been racking my brain of things to tell you from this week, but as I was trying to think of ways to describe this past week at the MTC, the most accurate way to describe it is through this analogy our district thought of this week: It's like we have been on a road trip together for seven weeks. And it is really fun, but then it starts getting really cramped in the car, and you are claustrophobic and the person in charge of the radio is driving you crazy because they keep on picking country music. And you are living off of gas station food, which is kinda part of the experience at first but then you just reach a point where you don't want any more tapatio Doritos, you know? I just want some quinoa and vegetables! And then the people in the car get super slap-happy and things that aren't funny seem hilarious. It is time for a change of scenery, I think. Which is good because guess what? We leave in 13 days! I can't wait. The other day I was waiting for my toast and an Elder heard me speaking in French and it turns out he is from Paris. He was so nice and our whole district swarmed him and he told us everything he knows about our mission. The Elders were thrilled to hear our Pres lets them wear cardigans and skinny ties. Ha. It is little moments like that that keep me motivated to get through 13 days, just speaking in French and realizing that there is a world outside of the MTC. I think. No, it really isn't bad and I am not living off of Doritos. Just a long time to be in the same place. My heart goes out to all twelve-weekers. And it is so beautiful in Provo right now! I can't believe how perfect fall is. The colors are crazy. We went on a nice run around the MTC today and it was belle.
Conference weekend was lovely. Thanks to you Mom we had a nice Conference morning breakfast with the Einsteins bagels on Saturday. We all just met outside in our pj's in the back of the MTC and it felt a little bit like breakfast on a Conference day with the family. My district really has become my suragate family here, which I am so thankful for. We all met in one big room for Conference, and it was really neat to be there when President Monson announced the age change for missionaries. As soon as he said it people just started cheering and clapping. And then I started crying thinking that if Naomi goes I will only be home for a little while before she leaves. But WOW! I think it is such a beautiful thing. I have already heard so many Elders talk about their friends who are 19 who have already started their papers. I am coming to see that a mission is such a valuable experience, and it makes me so happy to think of how many more girls will get the chance to experience it because of the change. It is a chance to learn about the most important things in life, while sharing them with others as well. I loved the talks a lot, especially Elder Holland's and Elder Uchtdorf's. He said something along the lines of, "We are not headed in the right direction if we are not connecting to those we love everyday." I have found that my happiest and most successful days here—and just in life in general—are when I connect with someone. That is what I love, and I hope to make that my goal on my mission. I can sometimes get caught up in all that I don't know here. But when I think about the individuals I am going to teach, I know that what matters is that I connect and care. I can't wait to find out who they are.
Well, I am sorry this is the shortest and most uninteresting email yet. Next week I will try to write earlier when I have more energy. I love you!

Miss you all. I am excited about the next few weeks. I'll just be a hop skip and a jump away from E in London. In moments when I am nervous, wondering where I will be and how in the world I am going to talk religion with Europeans, I keep my favorite hymn line in my head—"I do not ask to see the distant scene/one step enough for me."

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