Wednesday, September 19, 2012

san francisco

I have a little journal that Claire gave me with a Jane Austen quote at the top of each page. I was flipping through it this morning and found this quote that sort of sums up how I feel when I write to you:
"I begin already to weigh my words & sentences more than I did, & am looking about for a sentiment, an illustration, or a metaphor in every corner of the room. Could my ideas flow as fast as the rain in the storecloset it would be charming"
I too feel like every day I weigh my words more than I normally would, and am looking for ways to express what this experience feels like through letters. But alas, I am not Jane Austen and I do not have to most inspiring corners of rooms (cinder block can only inspire so many words) to work with, so this email will have to do.
I could tell you about the details of my day, but they would sound strangely similar to the day I told you about last week. So instead I will tell you about our most exciting day yet, San Francisco. We woke up at 2:30 a.m. and got ready to go, and then met our group by the bus. We made our way up to Salt Lake, and I never would have thought my heart would start racing at the sight of University Ave. What once was my least favorite stretch of traffic in the world became the gateway to a day in the real world. We got to the airport and Elder Barr, our fearless travel leader (who had never flown before) pulled out our packet. It was like something out of Amazing Race, so so funny. We all gathered round and he pulled out the cell phone and packets of info for each individual with our tickets, visa info, and info for the city—"your driver will pick you up and courtyard #1." Classic. 

When we landed in San Francisco we wandered around looking for courtyard one, which we evenutally found in some corner of the San Fran airport. A van pulled up and Edgar, our nice driver started taking us to the consulate. Words cannot even express how happy it made me to be in the city. The sun was rising over the water as we came into the city and the energy was so great after being in the MTC for 3 weeks. I felt more like ME than I have the whole time I've been here. So we were driving happily along to the consulate when in the middle of traffic our tire bursts. We pull over, get out, and for the first time I experienced being looked at not as a human, but as a missionary, which is apparently a very different thing. We were quite the spectacle. 11 Elders in suits and 2 sisters on the side of a busy road in San Fran. Edgar said it would take a while, so we walked over to Panera for breakfast and then across the street to the Giants stadium to walk around. We eventually had to get taxis to take us to the consulate because the tire was taking too long to fix. When we got to the consulate they buzzed us up, and we went through security and then waited in line for our visas. They called us up one by one, and I got a warm welcome "Ah! You are French! What a glorious French name." I didn't want to burst his bubble or jeopordize my visa by telling him I was actually an Eastern European imposter with a stolen French name, so I smiled and said "Oui, c'est francais!" It worked and we successfully got our visas figured out for now. 

This left us with four hours to do whatever we wanted (well, not everything. . .) in the city. The consulate is right by Union Square, so we started there and walked EVERYWHERE. I think my favorite thing in the world is walking around a city, and then add that it is one of my favorite cities AND that I haven't seen civilization for weeks, and you have one happy person. We walked up and down the hills, from China town, to Little Italy, to the Warf, to the Golden Gate. I also made everyone make a stop at Trader Joe's where I stocked up on real food. I ate a quinoa and edamame salad for lunch! I was SO. HAPPY. (And then I spilled the bright yellow dressing all over my dress in true Olivia fashion. Sorry mom. And sorry church. Not the best looking rep.)  We had perfect weather, and we just walked and walked. Eventually Edgar came to pick us up and we headed back to the airport. When we got to the airport, there were 2 missionaries returning to San Fran. They were welcomed by about 50 of their Polynesian family, with leis. When they saw us, they ran over and started putting leis on us, and taking pictures with us. One of the missionaries looked at me and said, "This is the best decision you have made in your life yet. And it will change it for the better." I needed to hear that, as lately I have been wondering about how this will al work out. I know that I need to lose myself in what I am doing, and focus on my purpose which is to bring others to Christ, but sometimes this is difficult when you are studying all day and not interacting as much with the real world. Then found this scripture and I have thought about it all week:
"O then despise not, and wonder not but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of Jesus for what things soever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him." —MORMON 9:27 
I was expecting a lot of things from this experience, but one of them was not how much of my own conversion would take place. More than any time in my life I have been praying for strength, and coming to God with my heart, all of it. I have been thinking about that phrase too, "working out my salvation." You do have to work to find answers. I have been studying the Book of Mormon and really trying to progress with this plan that I will be sharing with people. I am finding for myself just how expansive this gospel is. I love it, and it makes sense.
And I love you!! I had so many memories of you all walking around San Francisco. One being Daniel throwing up in his dinky little stoller on a hill, his ninja sword in hand. And "YOUTOUCH YOUBUY YOU TOUCH YOU BUY!" in China town. And we walked by the hotel we stayed at with the cousins. So fun.
Letters are on their way. Thanks for yours, they are always heaven sent.
Love you a million swedish fish and trips to San Francisco.
xoxoasier uciasdjkf

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