Wednesday, May 18, 2011

hier et autres jours

Here are a few scenes from Paris as of late. My friend John put together a little video of our day yesterday (that includes a metro poster heist initiated by our prof, baguette eating and a sparkling eiffel tower) and I just love it! If you feel so inclined you can watch it here. We also saw the movie Tree Of Life yesterday. Bizarre/beautiful/i am confused.


  1. olivia,
    i absolutely adore everything you post.
    and you of course. your clothes are adorable.
    all your pictures are fabulous and i cannot wait to be in paris this fall.
    hope all is well!

  2. that you in the picture with the gorgeous man by the waterfront? do not lie...;]

    and i love the video! i miss monsieur olivier.

    you're amazing! i'm so glad you put your adventures up for starved european-americans like myself to read.

  3. these photos are absolutely beautiful! you are making me want to go back to paris so badly! x

  4. LIV!

    I loved seeing you in Sephora in France from the video!! haha Some things will never change!

    I love you I miss you I love you I miss you!

  5. Ce sont merveilleux. (As are you.)

  6. My favourite scene is definitely the one in front of all the books and lovers on the Seine.
